
Discourse mark 

Short responses

Polite English Test

Expressing Views and Opinions

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Presenter: The third of May is World Press Freedom Day. We went to Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, London and asked people what press freedom and freedom in general means to them.
Passer-by 1:
In my view, I believe in this society we live in freedom. I can go out, I can wear what I like and I can say what I like.
Passer-by 2:
As I see it without freedom we have no life.
Passer-by 3:
The way I see it, freedom is being able to do what you want, where you want, say what you want, have your own opinions and not being limited by what people might think of you.
Passer-by 4:
If you ask me about freedom, freedom is about being yourself. Being free to speak. Freedom of speech.
Passer-by 5:
It seems to me that in the media today it's not as free as it will come across. I believe that some things are censored and that some things are exaggerated so it's not as free as it comes across to the public eye.

Выражения, которые помогут вам высказать мнение по тому или иному поводу:
  • IN MY VIEW - по моему мнению
  • AS I SEE IT - на мой взгляд
  • THE WAY I SEE IT - мне представляется
  • IF YOU ASK ME - если вам интересно мое мнение
  • IT SEEMS TO ME - мне кажется


1. Сходство/различие между фотографиями (Expressing similarity or difference)
They both show/have...
Both of these…
Either  of  them  has  to  do  with ….
There  are    in  both  of  them
Both  pictures  have  something  in common…
Both of them  have  got …  in  them
Both of them  are …
One  of  these…   while  the other...
This one... but on the other hand that one...
Neither of them is...
There are some differences. One... and the other...
The first one has to do with... while/whereas the second one...
The top one looks more like... than the bottom one.
The one on the right is/shows/has... but the one on the left is...
This one is not as... as the other one.
The first picture shows... whereas/while the second one...
Contrary to the first picture..., the second one...
The second picture, by contrast, shows...
In comparison to the first picture... the second one...
One of these... while/whereas the other one...
It's quite difficult to compare them, but...
On one hand/On the other hand/At the same time.
2. Сравнение объектов на фотографиях (Making comparisons)
...is not as... as...
...are as... as...
...is a much more... than...
...is less... than...
...is twice as... as...
...is nothing like...
...half as... as...
...twice/three times as much/many... as...
There are far fewer/not as many... as...
You can't compare... with...
 You have to compare... with...
3. Необходимость и польза объекта (Expressing need and use)
...is/will be absolutely/really extremely essential for..
...is /will be very useful/handy for..
I'll need... because..
I'll need... to/in order to..
I'll need/have to take... with me because..
I can't do/manage without... because...
If I have/take..., I'll be able to.
4. Доводы «за» и «против» (For and against views)
The best/worst/good/bad thing(s) about... is/are..
One advantage/disadvantage of... is..
Another disadvantage is..
On the other hand,..
The main drawback of... is..
There are some drawbacks to... They are..
The only advantage/drawback of... is that...
5. Размышления, гипотезы, логические догадки, предположения о фотографиях (Speculating, hypothesizing, logical assumptions, guess)
It seems to me that...
...seems to be...
It looks like a...
It looks as if it's...
She looks as if she's enjoying...
He / She / It appears to be...
He could/might be on holiday...
...could be... because of/due to...
It may/might be...
It can/could be...
It can't/must be...
I get the impression that...
As you look through the photographs, you get the impression that...
He / She / It gives the impression of...
I'd say, it's...
I guess...
It's hard to say, but I think...
It's hard to say, but I'd guess...
I don't think it...
6. Предположения о возможной цели (Deductions about the aim of something)
It's probably aimed at...
It's probably designed for...
Perhaps, it's designed to prove/show...
It must be aimed at...
It could be aimed at...
It may be targeted at...
I think it's targeting at..
100 % certain
II is absolutely certain that...
I'm sure that
l... There is definitely...
Не/She must be... (present, future situations).
Не/She must have been... (past situations).
75 % certain
There may well be...
I guess...
I can imagine...
It's quite likely that...
May have been/Could have been.
There is a chance/possibility that/of...
I'm not at all sure if...
I don't expect...
I don't think that...
...is not very likely...
I doubt whether/if...
There's a little chance that/of...
...is very/most unlikely...
...is impossible...
Не/She can't be...
Не/She can't have been...
There is no chance that...
7. Выражение чувств/реакций/мнений о фотографиях
   (Expressing  your feelings / reactions / opinions)
I don't think he/she is very happy. I'm not sure whether he/she would enjoy it....
I think it would be  better if  they chose....
What strikes me most is that....
I think/believe we should....
It makes me feel good/bad/angry/worried/smile/want to....
I find it really interesting/awful/ridiculous....
Could I just say that....
It looks a bit strange/unusual/difficult...
8. Выражение личного отношения к ситуации на фотографии
   (Stating а personal view or opinion)
Personally, I...
I've never really thought about that, but I suppose...
It's really very hard to say, but I think...
I don't really like..., but if I had to choose...
It's very difficult to say, but I think...
As for me...
Could I just say that....
Personally speaking....
Speaking personally...
9. Выражение предпочтения, того, что нравится/не нравится
    (Expressing likes/dislikes/preferences)
I'd prefer.../I'd like.../I'd fancy...
I really like/love/enjoy...
I'm very fond of...
I'm really interested in...
I'm keen on...
I find... really interesting/enjoyable/relaxing/fascinating/exciting...
...is great/very good/real fun/fantastic.
What I like best is...
The thing I like best is...
My favourite... is...
I don't really like...
I'm not particularly keen on...
I absolutely hate/detest/can't bear/can't stand...
I'm not very fond of/interested in/keen on...
I find...a bit/rather boring/dull/tiring...
I prefer tennis to basketball.
I prefer playing tennis to playing basketball.
I'd rather play tennis than play basketball.
I'd much rather stay at home than…
I'd definitely prefer... to....
If I were / hade  to  choose, I'd...

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